Pitching In

Peter Pitts R.I.P.

Peter Pitts R.I.P.

We mourn the passing of a Sittingbourne Legend

We have just heard of the sad passing of Sittingbourne Director Peter Pitts, who died yesterday in Medway Maritime Hospital after a short illness. We would like to send our love and condolences to his family and friends, and to all at the club- all of whom must be devastated by this loss. 


Peter joined Sittingbourne Football Club way back in the late 90's along with his twin brother, John, to assist the then Chairman, Andy Spice, to help rescue the club after it went into administration. Peter was the instigator of many grants to help the club get back on its feet and devised a web site (one of the first in non League football) to promote the club. He was the web master up until his death. 


Amongst his other roles were Press Officer and Programme editor , a task he still performed and took great pride in. He was a great believer in a printed programme. He was also the Tannoy announcer. 


He prepared all that was necessary for the club to become a Limited Company and was its Company Director.


In his business life he formed a company that checked ISO standards world wide. Inspecting companies  as diverse as Nokia and a Potash mining company in Israel. He travelled to over thirty countries in his business and had a very successful career that was guided by his early years working for the GPO.


Peter leaves a Son, Daughter, and three Grand children.



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