Pitching In

Shot of the Season: Rob Mellor

Shot of the Season: Rob Mellor

We’re asking our fabulous photographers to send in their favourite image of the Pitching In Isthmian season and explain why it’s important to them. Rob brings us a Kingfisher in flight

[b]When was the image taken (match, event, etc)?[/b] This is Christian Johnson, playing for Thatcham Town vs Northwood at the Mettal Stadium, 28th October 2023. [b]Why is it important to you?[/b] This was only the second time I'd shot Thatcham Town, even though they are one of my most local clubs, but they're always good value! I particularly like this shot because Christian Johnson is totally locked-in, apparently skipping over the Northwood defender - it's one of a sequence of shots where Johnson appears to shrug off numerous challenges, and will surely score [spoiler alert: he didn't]. I also like the Matryoshka of Thatcham players that draws your eye to Johnson.    [b]Where can we find the rest of your work?[/b] I post highlights of almost all shoots from JPL through to internationals on Instagram and X/Twitter as [url=https://www.instagram.com/robmellor_photo/]@robmellor_photo[/url], and you'll find galleries of some of the bigger games on [url=https://www.robmellorphotography.com/]robmellorphotography.com[/url] Thank you- now who's next? Send you image- and your answers to the questions- to Ian at [[email protected]][email protected][/email] and you'll see it here soon. [i]Follow the Pitching In Isthmian League on Instagram. Head [url=https://www.instagram.com/theisthmianleague/?hl=en]here [/url]or search for theisthmianleague on your app. We're also on [url=https://www.facebook.com/isthmianleague]Facebook [/url]and [url=https://twitter.com/IsthmianLeague]Twitter[/url].[/i]

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